Friday, February 11, 2005

Sympathy From The Devil

So I recently found out that my ex-girlfriend’s best friend is dying from cancer. I’ve met the best friend; I knew her fairly well. I didn’t like her much, largely because she was a dead ringer for one of my arch-enemies. I never could get past that. However, I feel a little bad for her.

I was going to send a sympathy card to my ex, just to show a little bit of humanity and compassion. She and I ended a while back on not-so-great terms, despite efforts to be friendly. Still, I don’t hate her...

On the other hand, I am not her friend and don’t really feel the need to be there for her in her time of need. It’s not my job. It used to be my job, but I got fired. I don’t want that job back. I mean, I really don’t want that job back. The pay was decent, but the work was hard and the hours sucked. Lousy benefits, too.

So, callous as it may be, she’ll have to cope with this on her own, or with whoever warms the other side of her bed these days. It’s not my problem. I’ve got plenty of other things to deal with.

I suppose that makes me a bit of a bastard, at least in her eyes. What can I say? She wouldn’t be the first ex-girlfriend to hate me, and probably won’t be the last, either. Hell, one ex actually called me the Anti-Christ... and meant it.

I guess you can’t please all of the people all of the time...


Blogger Vincent Clark said...

Boo Fucking Hoo. None of my ex's send me a sympath card when I lost a nut. Fuck that shit. Don't send it. I mean seriously, send it to her friend, she is the one dying, not the bitch ex-girlfriend, that should be a stand in for Marlon Brando, again, he is dead, but seriously. She will go through shit, her buisness, not yours. Be a better friend for those who care about you, not people that don't.

1:42 PM  

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