Monday, August 08, 2005

To All My Readers...

...all two of you. Here is my first attempt at returning to my digital world. For too long I’ve neglected my characters, my stories, and my own personal little soapbox. I have so much to say, but lately no time to say it.

So it would seem that August has become the month that Victor does favours for everyone. This explains my absence from writing (that, and the fact that work has become a very busy nightmare lately, so no blogging at work–until today, of course). So, since I’m a bit tapped out on doing things for others (and since I’m pretty much busy until September), I’ve decided that next month will be the month that Victor goes into hibernation. During that hibernation, I’m hoping that my characters will get their lives back.

The good news, my dear readers, is that I will soon have lots of stuff for you to read. Just because nothing’s been posted lately doesn’t mean nothing’s been written. Lots of stuff will come your way very shortly. New character blog? You got it. New chapter or two for the online novel? Just you wait. The long-awaited appearance of the Dev-Cat? Any minute now...

Thanks for your patience, gentle readers. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...


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