Thursday, March 31, 2005

Project Update

I’ve been lax in keeping up with my character blogs and my story. Life keeps getting in the way. Mind you, I’m not complaining. It’s nice to be busy, to be out doing stuff, having fun, not constantly living vicariously through my characters. However, as a result, the characters’ lives have been slightly on hold.

I aim to rectify that right soon. I’m gonna set some time aside this weekend to update blogs. The project’s just getting so big that it’s harder and harder to maintain. And readers are noticing when updates are late—which is very cool. It means that people are into the blogs. Plus it gives me motivation to keep things current (I hate to disappoint my fans…).

The overall response to the online project has been rather positive, which makes me feel good. It is by no means perfect, but so far people seem entertained (and not just my friends, either). All I can say for now is that things are going to get even better in the near future, as a couple more characters gain prominence and the story expands to include more subplots. Also, as a fun side note, some friends have volunteered their images to be used as characters, so the and friendster accounts, the yahoo profiles, the blogs, etc. will have some pictures soon!

Now the only other thing for me to focus on is spreading the word about the online projects to others. This is where you come in. If you’re digging the project, pass it on to your friends to read. If you think it kinda sucks, pass it on to your friends so y’all can bag on it. Either way, just pass it on…


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